Believe... Belong... Become


A Pre-Baptismal class is required for a couple’s first child. Please call the rectory to make arrangements.  Sunday Baptisms after the 10:00am mass are preferred.

Godparents have the privileged role of assisting parents to nurture the child's faith from childhood though maturity. According to Canon Law (#872-874):

  • A godparent must be at least sixteen years of age 
  • Be fully initiated into the faith (i.e. has received the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).
  • He or she should lead a life of faith in harmony with the duty undertaken.
  • The godparent may not be one of the parents of the child being baptized.
  • One godparent is required for Baptism and a maximum of two can participate in the ritual and be recorded in the baptismal record.
  • Only one Catholic godparent is required.

Students in Grade 2 or Age 7 participate in a parish Sacramental Preparation program for First Penance / First Reconciliation.  This is for students in Catholic and Public Schools.  Please contact the Faith Formation Office at (716) 514-9405 for information.

Students in Grade 3 or Age 7 participate in a parish Sacramental Preparation program for First Holy Communion.  This is for students in Catholic and Public Schools.  Please contact the Faith Formation Office at (716) 514-9405 for information.

Typically, 10th Graders participate in a parish Sacramental Preparation program for Confirmation.  This is for students in Catholic and Public High Schools.  A Community Service component is also a requirement.  Please contact the Faith Formation Office at (716) 514-9405 for information.

Before a wedding is scheduled, arrangements must be made with the parish priest at least 6 months in advance. Attendance at an approved Diocesan preparation program for marriage is required.

It is imperative to call the Parish Office at (716) 433-8118 ext. 104 before making any Marriage plans.